Although 2003 are the newest editions. According to the Register Britain reported that only then 15% customers have installed office 2003, before update Office comes out Microsoft needs to have 50% customers at least to promote to 2003. Therefore Microsoft prepares to hit a blitzkrieg, the persuasion these third party development personnel as far as possible develop 2003 auxiliary softwares to promote 2003 volume of users enhancements. The major problem, that is natural. Because has the majority user to think that does not need to promote.
More than ten million users have used the product which he has 3 to 5 year long time, moreover they have not discovered until now has the promotion necessity, then you cannot force them to promote. Analyst Paul DeGroot said.
Microsoft must reconsider his decision, this was not likely asks your user to use the best method which many year softwares promoted
From: The Register Sci-Tech News for the World